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5 Tips for Managing Resistance to Change

Any organizational change of significance will be met with some resistance. It comes in many shapes and sizes; you need to be able to deal with them accordingly.

Stakeholders | Mange Consulting

How to do a Stakeholder Analysis

As the name implies, a stakeholder is someone who holds a stake (an interest or a concern) in something. In business, it is important to identify all the stakeholders for a project so you can determine the appropriate amount of engagement and communication they should receive. It can also help ensure your project receives the proper support from leadership.

Change Management Neon Sign | Mange Consulting

The Four P’s of Change Management

Change management has been defined in many different ways. There have been many lengthy articles and publications written on it. However, sometimes it helps to

Change Management Communication

The Change Communication Triangle

Change is a human issue. Research shows that one of the strongest drivers of change is emotion. Employees are impacted by any change and organizations must take an empathic approach to how they communicate the change vision and process.